воскресенье, 01 апреля 2012
Haris Alexiou -To tango tis Nefelis Lyrics: Haris Alexiou
Music: Loreena McKennitt Почитать об этой песне (на английском)To Tango Tis Nefelis - Haris Alexiou
Haris Alexiou sings To Tango Tis Nefelis, which translates in English as “Nefeli’s Tango”, a romantic mythological and lyrical interpretation of Loreena McKennitt’s instrumental song known as Tango To Evora.
How soothing this melody is! How probing is the perfectly suited voice of Alexiou when she, like the waves coming and going of the shores, sings about the nymph of clouds, Nefeli, and ”two little angels who were dreaming of Nefeli and wanted to feed her pomegranate and honey, so that she could not remember, so that she would forget what she wanted.”
From the very first pounding sounds of “Nefeli’s Tango”, you to sing along, to dance, to be in the arms of your beloved one, to close your eyes and let yourself be taken on the mythological journey when love, fantasies, seduction, and innocence are weaved so playfully. And when you know that at the end, despite of everything and because of everything, “the benevolent Zeus” saves Nefeli, “turns her into a cloud and disperses her so that they could not find her”.
Canadian musician, songwriter, and producer Loreena McKennitt, known for her instrumentals and her very refined soprano voice, published this tango on her 1991’s album “Visit”. It didn’t take long before Alexiou, moved by the passionate melody, found her own inspiration in it and painted it with the Greek touch.
source: http://www.greeksongs-greekmusic.com/to-tango-tis-nefelis-haris-alexiou
Текст на греческом
Το χρυσό κουρέλι
που στα μαλλιά της, φόραγε η Νεφέλη
να ξεχωρίζει απ΄ όλους μες στ΄ αμπέλι
ήρθανε δυο μικροί- μικροί αγγέλοι
και το κλέψανε
Δυό μικροί αγγέλοι
που στα όνειρα τους, θέλαν τη Νεφέλη
να την ταΐζουνε ρόδι και μέλι
να μην θυμάται, να ξεχνάει τι θέλει,
την πλανέψανε
Υάκινθοι και κρίνα
της κλέψαν τ΄ άρωμα και το φοράνε
κι οι έρωτες πετώντας σαϊτιές
την περιγελούν
Μα ο καλός ο Δίας
της παίρνει το νερό της εφηβείας
την κάνει σύννεφο και την σκορπά
για να μην την βρουν.И два варианта перевода на английский.
Первый обнаружился прямо на страничке ролика, где юзер
irouka приводит перевод, сделанный
English lyrics (version 1)
The golden ribbons
In Nefeli's hair she wore
To stand out from the others in the vineyard.
Along came two boy angels
They stole them from her.
The two boy angels
Dreamt of feeding Nefeli
With pomegranates and honey
To cloud her memory, to forget what she wants,
They tempted her away.
Her perfume of Hyacinths and lilies
They stole and wore it themselves.
The gods of love fired arrows
They bewildered her.
But the kindly God Zeus
Takes from her the water of youth
He turns her to cloud and scatters her around
So they cannot find her.
translation provided by zeena61
source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9dIWOYmtcQ (страничка ролика)
English lyrics (version 2)
Two little angels
came and stole
the golden rag
Nefeli used to wear on her head,
so as to differ from us all in the vineyard.
Two little angels
who were dreaming of Nefeli and wanted
to feed her pomegranate and honey,
so that she could not remember,
so that she would forget what she wanted,
they managed to seduce her.
Hyacinths and lilies
robbed her of her scent and wear it
while flying love gods laugh at her,
throwing their arrows towards her.
But the benevolent Zeus
takes the adolescence water away from her,
turns her into a cloud and disperses her
so that they could not find her.
source: www.greeksongs-greekmusic.com/to-tango-tis-nefe...А здесь исходная мелодия - вокализ в исполнении Лорины Маккеннит:
Loreena McKennitt - Tango to Evora [Live]http://www.diary.ru/~zhermen/p174944252.htm
Там еще и текст любопытный - отчасти похожая история, но словно в другой инкарнации, с сильным (но нестрогим
Это музыка Лорены Макккеннит, а текст написала Харис Алексиу, и я встретила два варианта перевода на английский (оригинала-то я не разумею, конечно