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Я буду постепенно выкладывать и другие мультфильмы М. Алдашина. Они все очень сильно отличаются от "Рождества", какими-то гранями даже противоположны ему. Вот этот мульт, например - смешной и экзистенциалистски мрачноватый, даже мрачный. Он этими определениями, мягко говоря, не исчерпывается ; но увлекшихся, как и я, "Рождеством" (см. пост чуть ниже) и не видевших другие работы я сочла нужным предупредить. А дальше, возможно, будет суровее. И мне интересно, насколько цельная картинка в итоге сложится.
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Вот такое еще сегодня встретилось. Что-то есть в этом такое, от чего замираешь в радостном благоговении (ага, прямо вот так вот ). Чудесное совершенно.
Это из примечаний на Ю-Тьюбе:
Фильм «Рождество» режиссера и художника Михаила Алдашина вызывает восторг и радость от соприкосновения с Чудом рождения Младенца.
Он сюжетно не нарушает канонический текст, но по эмоциональности его воплощения в зрительный ряд фильм можно назвать фантазией на темы ранних апокрифов -- наивных, но лишенных холода церковного обихода и скуки канонических догматов.
Михаил Алдашин -- один из ведущих режиссеров на студии «Пилот». Все его фильмы снискали успех во многих странах, на разных международных фестивалях. Фильм «Рождество», снятый в 1997 г. в том же году получил приз за лучшую режиссуру и первое место в профессиональном рейтинге на Всероссийском анимационном фестивале в Тарусе; на МКФ «Золотая рыбка» в Москве -- приз за лучший профессиональный фильм для детей. Также он был награжден как лучший анимационный фильм на МКФ «Послание к человеку» в Санкт-Петербурге, получил специальный приз жюри и приз «Крокпресси» на МКФ «Крок» в Киеве, приз «Золотой голубь» в Лейпциге и номинируется на приз российской киноакадемии «Ника».
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Многие, наверно, помнят этот чудесный клип.
"Her Morning Elegance" from the album The Opposite Side of the Sea written and produced by Oren Lavie
А вот концертный вариант той же песни мне раньше не попадался. А он не менее прекрасен
Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance (Live Jimmy Kimmel 2009)
lyrics Sun been down for days A pretty flower in a vase A slipper by the fireplace A cello lying in its case
Soon she's down the stairs Her morning elegance she wears The sound of water makes her dream Awoken by a cloud of steam She pours a daydream in a cup A spoon of sugar sweetens up
And She fights for her life As she puts on her coat And she fights for her life on the train She looks at the rain As it pours And she fights for her life As she goes in a store With a thought she has caught By a thread She pays for the bread And She goes... Nobody knows
Sun been down for days A winter melody she plays The thunder makes her contemplate She hears a noise behind the gate Perhaps a letter with a dove Perhaps a stranger she could love
And She fights for her life As she puts on her coat And she fights for her life on the train She looks at the rain As it pours And she fights for her life As she goes in a store With a thought she has caught By a thread She pays for the bread And She goes... Nobody knows
And She fights for her life As she puts on her coat And she fights for her life on the train She looks at the rain As it pours And she fights for her life Where people are pleasently strange And counting the change And She goes... Nobody knows
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Меня восхищают такие вдохновенно-прекрасные бесполезные вещи. Нечаянно обнаружила вот здесь http://belevsky.livejournal.com/15080.html небольшой репортажик о путешествии по Манчестеру и в числе прочего - фото вот такого музейного экспоната.
Локапалы не пропадут. (с) Лапы в одну сторону, крылья - в другую, а ты сидишь с хвостом. (с)
1. Birthday Card at Christmas Ian Anderson
Lyrics Got a birthday card at Christmas: it made me think of Jesus Christ. It said, "I love you," in small letters. I sipmly had to read it twice. Wood smoke curled from blackened chimneys. The smell of frost was in the air. Pole star hovered in the blackness. I looked again: it wasn't there.
People have shovered me with presents. While their minds were fixed on other things. Sleigh bells, bearded red suit uncles. Pointy trees and angel wings. I am the shadow in your Christmas. I am the corner of your smile. Perfunctory in celebration. You offer content but no style.
That little baby Jesus: he got a birthday card or three. Gold trinkets and cheap frankincense. Some penny baubles for his tree. Have some time off for good behaviour. Forty days, give or take a few. Hey there, sweet baby Jesus - let's share a birthday card with you.
2. Holly Herald The Holly and the Ivy (Trad.)/Hark! The Herald Angel Sing (F. Mendelssohn) (Instrumental medley arranged and developed by Ian Anderson)
Lyrics Once, in Royal David's City, stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby. You'd do well to remember the things He later said. When you're stuffing yourselves at the Christmas parties, you'll laugh when I tell you to take a running jump. You're missing the point I'm sure does not need making; that the Chrismas spirit is not what you drink.
So how can you laugh when your own mother's hungry and how can you smile when the reasons for smiling are wrong? And if I've just messed up your thoughtless pleasures, remember, if you wish, this is just a Christmas song.
Hey, Santa: pass us that bottle, will you?
4. Another Christmas Song (Ian Anderson)
Lyrics Hope everybody's ringing on their own bell, this fine morning. Hope everybody's connected to that long distance phone. Old man, he's a mountain. Old man, he's an island. Old man, he's a-waking - says, "I am going to call, call all my chidlren home."
Hope everybody's dancing to their own drum this fine morning - the beat of distant Africa or a Polish factory town. Old man, he's calling for his supper. He's calling for his whisky. Calling for his sons and daughters, yeah - calling, calling all his chikdren around.
Sharp cars are tuned in to the drones and chanters warming. Mist blowing round some headland, somewhere in your memory. Everyone is from somewhere - even if you've never been there. So take a minute to remember the part of you that maight be the old man calling me.
How many wars you fighting out there, this winter morning? Maybe there's always time for another Christmas song. Old man he is asleep now. Got appointments to keep now. Dreaming of his sons and daughters and proving, proving that the blood is strong.
5. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Trad. instrumental arranged and developed by Ian Anderson)
6. Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow (Ian Anderson)
Lyrics Through long December nights we talk in words of rain or snow while you, through chattering teeth, reply and curse as you go. Why not spare a thought this day for those who have no flame to warm their bones at Christmas time? Say Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow.
Now, as the last broad oak leaf falls, we beg, consider this: there's no some who have no coin to save for turkey, wine or gifts. No children laughter round the fire, no family left to know. So lend a warm and a helping hand - say Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow.
As holly pricks and ivy clings, your fate is none too clear. The Lord may find you wanting, let your good fortune disappear. All homely comforts blown away and all that's left to show is to share your joy at Christmas time with Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow.
7. Last Man at the Party (Ian Anderson)
Lyrics Sister Bridget by the stairs: a glass of wine and she's almost there. Cousin Jimmy at the door: another beer and he's on the floor. Friends and neighbours come around. Waste no time we're heaven-bound. But not before we raise a glass to good camaraderie.
Stinky Joe from down the street fell right over his own three feet. He's doubled up in the outside loo, to taste again the devil's brew. Friends and neighbours come around. Waste no time we're heaven-bound. But not before we raise a glass to good camaraderie.
So make yourselves jolly under mistletoe, holly and ivy. Get to it - and be in good cheer. And when it's all ove: pigs gone to clover - will the last man at the party wish me a happy New Year.
The house is jumping, suppers up. Curried goat in a paper cup. Forks of plastic, knives of tin: who cares what state the goat is in. Someone with the gift of song has brought his pal to sing along. Now they're turning up old Frank Sinatra on the stereo.
8. Weathercock (Ian Anderson)
Lyrics Good morning Weathercock. How did you fare last night? Did the cold wind bite you and did your face up to the fright when the leaves spin from October and whip around your tail? Did you shake from the blast and did you shiver through the gale?
Give us direction; the best of goodwill. Put us in touch with your fair winds. Sing to us softly. Hum evening's song. Tell us what the blacksmith has done for you.
Do you simply reflect changes in the patterns of the sky? Or is it true to say the weather heeds the twinkle in your eye? Do you fight the rush of winter and hold snowflakes at bay? Do you lift the dawn sun from the fields and help him on his way?
Good morning Weathercock. Make this day bright. Put us in touch with your fair winds. Sing to us softly, hum evening's song. Point the way to better days we can share with you.
9. Pavane (Instrumental, G. Faure, arranged and developed by Ian Anderson)
10. First Snow on Brooklyn (Ian Anderson)
Lyrics I flew in on the evening plane. Is it such a good idea that I'm here again? And I could cut my cold breath with a knife and taste a winter of another life.
A yellow cab from JFK, the long way round. I didn't mind: it gave me thinking time before I run aground on rocky memories and choking tears. I believe it only rained round here these thirty years.
Now, it's the first snow on Brooklyn and my cold feet are drumming. You don't see me in the shadows from your cosy window frame. And last night, who was in your parlour wrapping presents in the late hour to place upon your pillow as the morning came?
The thin wind stings my face: pull collar up. I could murder coffee in a grande cup. No welcome deli. There's no Starbucks here. A dime for a quick phone call could cost me dear.
And the first snow on Broolkyn paints a Christmas card upon the pavement. The cab leaves a disappearing trace and then it's gone. And the snow covers my footprints, deep regrets and heavy heartbeats. When you wake you'll never see the spot that I was standing on.
Some things are best forgotten: some are better half-remembered. I just thought that I might be there on your, on your Christmas night. And the first snow on Brooklyn makes a lonely road to travel - cold crunch steps that echo ad the blizzard bites.
11. Greensleeved (Trad. instrumental based on "Greensleeves". Arranged and developed by Ian Anderson)
12. Fire at Midnight (Ian Anderson)
Lyrics I believe in fires at midnight when the fogs have all been fed. A golden toddy in the mantle - a broken gun beneath the bed. Silken mist outside the window. Frogs and newts slip in the dark. To much hurry ruins a body. I'll sit easy, fan the spark lindled by the dying embers of another working day. Go upstairs: take off your makeup - fold your clothes nearly away. Me, I'll sit and write this love song as I all too seldom to - build a little fire this midnight. It's good to be back home with you.
13. We Five Kings (Instrumental "We Three Kings", Rev. J. Hopkins, arranged and developed by Ian Anderson)
14. Ring Out Solstice Bells (Ian Anderson)
Lyrics Now is the solstice of the year. Winter is the glad song that you hear. Seven maids move in seven time. Have the lads up ready in line.
Ring on these bells. Ring out, ring solstice bells. Ring solstice bells.
Join together 'neath the mistletoe, by the holy oak whereon it grows. Seven druids dance in seven time. Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.
Ring on these bells. Ring out, ring solstice bells. Ring solstice bells.
Praise be to the distant sister sun, joyful as the silver planets run. Seven maids move in seven time. Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.
Ring on these bells. Ring out, ring solstice bells. Ring solstice bells. Ring on, ring out. Ring on, ring out.
15. Bouree (Instrumental, I. S. Bach, arranged and developed by Ian Anderson)
16. A Winter Snowscape (Instrumental, Martin Barre)
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Ну, в общем, да, как-то так Очень люблю эту книгу.
И, собственно, вы — Hearts in Atlantis
"Сердца в Атлантиде". Год 1999. Книга, состоящая из нескольких историй, связанных между собой несколькими героями. Книга о дружбе, любви и свободе. Книга о судьбе, в какой-то степени. Моя любимая книга, хотя какое это имеет значение?
Рада вас видеть. Располагайтесь. И вот вам музыка.
Florence + the Machine "Between Two Lungs"
lyrics Between two lungs it was released The breath that captured me The sigh that blew me forward
Cause it was trapped Trapped between two lungs It was trapped between two lungs It was trapped between two lungs
And my running feet could fly Each breath screaming "We are all too young to die"
Between two lungs it was released The breath that passed from you to me That flew between us as we slept That slipped from your mouth into mine It crept between two lungs It was released The breath that passed from you to me That flew between us as we slept That slipped from your mouth into mine It crept
Cause it was trapped Tapped between two lungs It was trapped between two lungs
Now all the days of begging The days of theft No more gasping for a breath The air has filled me head-to-toe And I can see the ground far below I have this breath And I hold it tight And I keep it in my chest With all my mgiht I pray to God this breath will last As it pushes past my lips As I...
Between two lungs it was released The breath that passed from you to me
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lyrics Happiness hit her like a train on a track Coming towards her stuck still no turning back She hid around corners and she hid under beds She killed it with kisses and from it she fled With every bubble she sank with her drink And washed it away down the kitchen sink
The dog days are over The dog days are done The horses are coming So you better run
Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers Leave all your love and your longing behind You cant carry it with you if you want to survive
The dog days are over The dog days are done Can you hear the horses? Because here they come
And I never wanted anything from you Except everything you had and what was left after that too, oh Happiness hit her like a bullet in the head Struck from a great height by someone who should know better than that
The dog days are over The dog days are done Can you hear the horses? Because here they come
Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers Leave all your loving, your loving behind You cant carry it with you if you want to survive
The dog days are over The dog days are done Can you hear the horses? Because here they come
The dog days are over The dog days are done The horses are coming So you better run
Волшебная зима ...Белый покров сгладил все углы и неровности. — Это снег. — прошептал Муми-тролль. — Мама слыхала рассказы про него, и он так и называется — снег...